Sleeping Disorder

sleep paralysis

How to stop sleep paralysis at the moment: 2023

Sleep paralysis is a situation in which a person's mind is awake but their body is still frozen. Among other things, a person may not be able to breathe and feel pressure on their chest. During waking paralysis, a person is awake and aware, but their body can't move. It happens right before a person falls...


What steps to take to stay active during night shifts?

It is your first-night shift job and you are scared of not being productive enough to start your first day! Well, what do you do for stay active? There are many sectors that operate in accordance with global time zones. Hence they expect the employees to work accordingly in different shifts. In what ways are truck...

Why I can’t sleep

Why I can’t sleep? causes of insomnia

Whatever might be the problem human being always try to find solutions to overcome it. We first try to understand the causes with our observation and analysis. We can't find an answer until we figure out what caused the problem. The first step in fixing a problem is to figure out what caused it.    In this...