Sleeping Disorder

expert tips for enhancing sleep quality despite sleep apnea

Expert Tips for Improving Sleep Quality with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder. In this illness, breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. It can lead to daytime fatigue, snoring, and other health problems. Understanding Sleep Apnea and Its Impact on Sleep Quality Disruption of breathing while sleeping is known as sleep apnea. There are two main types: obstructive and central.  Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)...


Can Children Have Sleep Apnea?

A child with sleep apnea will have periodic pauses in breathing while they are sleeping. Airway blockage due to factors like relaxed throat muscles is one cause of this. Types include central sleep apnea (CSA) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Symptoms include excessive snoring, shallow breathing, interrupted sleep, daytime sleepiness, and an inability to focus....

basics of sleep apnea symptoms

Sleep apnea symptoms: understanding the basics

What is Sleep Apnea? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 100 million people worldwide suffer from sleep apnea. It categorizes this disorder under chronic respiratory diseases. This is the most common organic sleep disorder and can be prevented with medical intervention. Sleep Apnea affects the breathing of a person while they sleep. Their respiration keeps...


How does untreated sleep apnea affect overall health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) categorizes sleep apnea as a chronic respiratory disorder. This is a condition in which your breathing repeatedly starts and stops while you sleep.  There are cases where the person wakes up gasping for air.  Based on the cause of the problem, this disease can be either: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) Centralized sleep...

sleeping with death night terrors

Sleeping With Death Night Terrors: 2023

In this article, we explain sleeping with death night terrors and how can you stop easily I hope this article will help you solve your problem. Everyone loves their sleep time, right? That's the best we can do, and we won't even complain about it.  Of course, this is something that should always be a top...

Sleep Meditation Music

Benefits of Sleep Meditation Music

Introduction: Are you taking tension about the future, including your work, family, etc.? Do you feel drowsy during the day? Have you ever tried winding down with a good book or some soothing music? We have brought you Sleep Meditation Music a playlist of soft and calming music to help you sleep peacefully. All the work...

sleep apnea headache

Sleep Apnea Headache: Causes And Treatment

Read this article we explain to you Sleep Apnea Headaches like their types, causes, treatment, and symptoms. read the entire article to know more information. There will be instances when you are too exhausted to do anything but blame the situation for keeping you occupied!! Right? In most cases, you have the feeling that you...

oral appliance for sleep apnea

Oral Appliance For Sleep Apnea: 2023

Here, we will discuss the use of oral appliance for sleep apnea. An oral appliance is a device worn during sleep to reduce or eliminate snoring caused by sleep apnea. We shall investigate the nature of oral prostheses. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? Are there any types of sleep apnea dental appliances?...


Parasomnias: an overview

In this article, we'll learn all about the various parasomnias and how many different kinds there are. We'll examine available treatments and determine which one is ideal for you. We will see a therapist who is an expert in sleep disorders, and he will help to find the best treatment option for you and guide...

sleep paralysis

How to stop sleep paralysis at the moment: 2023

Sleep paralysis is a situation in which a person's mind is awake but their body is still frozen. Among other things, a person may not be able to breathe and feel pressure on their chest. During waking paralysis, a person is awake and aware, but their body can't move. It happens right before a person falls...