Oral Appliance For Sleep Apnea: 2023

oral appliance for sleep apnea

Here, we will discuss the use of oral appliance for sleep apnea. An oral appliance is a device worn during sleep to reduce or eliminate snoring caused by sleep apnea. We shall investigate the nature of oral prostheses. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? Are there any types of sleep apnea dental appliances? If yes, then what are they?

As we all know that if you snore, then that means that you have sleep apnea, and that’s why you don’t get good sleep.

There are several different kinds of sleep apnea, including:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Central sleep apnea 
  • Treatment-emergent central sleep apnea

There are many methods to treat sleep apnea, and new devices are also available in the market that can treat sleep apnea. Devices like CPAP and BIPAP machines are available that pass high-pressure air to stop snoring. Medicines and surgeries are another form of treatment to stop snoring. If you think you are suffering from sleep apnea, you can consult with your doctor and order modawake 200mg online.

What is an oral appliance for sleep apnea?

If your doctor tells you that you have obstructive sleep apnea, then you have several treatment options that you can discuss with your doctor. Two devices are majorly used and they are effective, none other than CPAP and oral appliances.

Let’s see what a CPAP is. CPAP is a device that blows air at continuous pressure down your throat to keep the airways open when you are asleep.

Now we will see what a CPAP machine (oral appliance for sleep apnea) consists of:

  • A mask that fits on the nose and mouth is kept in place with a strap.
  • A motor that blows air into your mouth
  • A cannula that joints motor to mask

You can take the CPAP machine anywhere as it is small and lightweight.

Since we’re here, you should know all about those oral appliances. If you have obstructive sleep apnea and used a CPAP machine and the result was not up to the mark, oral appliances are an effective treatment option. These devices are placed in your mouth with the help of a dentist. 

There are some side effects of oral appliance for sleep apnea, such as:

  • Modified Bite
  • Shifting teeth
  • Pain
  • Temporomandibular joint arthritis 
  • Chapped or cracked lips 
  • Excessive drooling

If you place an oral appliance, you should check whether it is working or not and check for adjustment or replacement at regular intervals. If you feel the device needs to be correctly placed, call your doctor, who can look into the problem. The treatment of OSA depends on several problems. Talk with your doctor and select the best treatment for you.

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Pros and cons of an oral appliance for sleep apnea:

When compared to CPAP machines, oral appliances are more practical. Using an oral appliance comes with both benefits and drawbacks.


  • When people use a CPAP machine, they wake up with an itchy nose in the morning. The people using an oral appliance are not complaining about this problem.
  • As in CPAP, it is placed on the face with straps, but the oral appliance does not have any strap, and therefore, it is easy to wear.
  • It is a small handy device, and you can take it anywhere.


  • Patients experience jaw pain, soreness
  • Teeth and gum pain due to the shift of the jaw
  • Some people have trouble producing saliva or suffer from dry mouth
  • Permanent alteration of the position of the jaw
  • The restoration may be loose and unstable

Types of sleep apnea dental appliances:

Sleep apnea can be treated with one of three mouth appliances:

  • Mandibular advancement device (MAD):

It is the most popular dental device for treating sleep apnea. MAD looks more like mouthguards that are used in sports. The lower jaw is eased forward with the help of metal hinges. Both the top and lower dental arches can be accommodated by the device.

  • Tongue retaining device: 

When compared to MAD, tongue-retaining devices are employed far less frequently. It prevents the tongue from moving and maintains an open airway. Oral appliances can help persons who sleep on their backs or bellies get a better night’s rest and lessen the number of times they snore. People use oral appliances regularly as compared to CPAP. Oral appliances have shown evidence that they can treat sleep apnea compared to surgeries.

  • Rapid maxillary expansion (RME):

The roof of the mouth expander (RME) is a medical device used to widen the airway. A removable orthodontic appliance (RME) is worn over the upper back teeth. Children with obstructive sleep apnea may benefit from RME treatment. RME is worn all the time and not only at night. RME permanently adjusts children’s anatomy with narrow or highly arched demanding palates. According to studies, RME reduces the symptoms in most children and cures obstructive sleep apnea in about 25 of children who takes it. It is more beneficial to have both the tonsils and adenoids removed and the teeth straightened with RME than to have each procedure done separately.


The above article concludes that oral appliances like MAD are better than CPAP. Oral appliances are similar to mouthguards that players in sports use. Although the oral devices discussed above are helpful, they do come with a few drawbacks. oral appliance for sleep apnea is only helpful for some persons. Some folks will require assistance in order to discover it to their liking. To get better treatment for your health then, follow your doctor’s orders. 

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