What are the symptoms of ADHD in Adults

ADHD in Adults

ADHD is a mental disorder that impairs attention and behavior control in children and adults. Focus, task completion, and impulse control are all areas where someone with ADHD in adults may struggle. ADHD symptoms frequently include disruptions in attention span and focus. ADHD individuals have high energy but struggle to channel it into productive activities. This makes little progress and makes me feel stuck.

What is ADHD in Adults?

A disorder that impacts the growth of the brain is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Although a lot of individuals may overcome this condition, there are many who do not. 

ADHD can affect children’s ability to perform well in school and interact with others. It can cause difficulties with academics and social skills. This can make it harder to do things in general. Adults with ADHD often struggle to complete work tasks and maintain friendships or relationships. It can also negatively impact mental well-being.   

In what ways does this condition impact my body?

People with ADHD are classified as having a different kind of brain function and are called “neurodivergent”. This expression indicates that your brain has undergone a distinct developmental process. Under certain circumstances, such differences can be significant enough to give rise to conditions such as ADHD. Individuals who lack such brain variances are referred to as “neurotypical”.  This indicates that their brain development has occurred in a conventional manner. 

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ADHD may cause reduced brain activity in regions that regulate communication between different brain areas. These areas are responsible for a range of abilities referred to as “executive functions”. “Executive functions,” include the ability to plan, reason, make decisions, and concentrate on tasks. ADHD can interfere with these abilities, resulting in “executive dysfunction”. 

Do you have ADHD?

Has anyone inquired whether you might have ADHD? You might have even questioned yourself. Talking to a medical professional is the only definitive way to determine if one has ADHD. The disorder’s symptoms can overlap with those of other conditions, like anxiety or depression. 

  • People say that you forget things
  • People say that you don’t pay attention
  • You are usually late
  • You struggle to keep your attention on tasks 
  • You don’t finish things
  • You had trouble with your behavior as a child
  • You struggle to resist your urges and act impulsively
  • You can’t get things in order
  • You tend to be restless and can’t stay still
  • You can’t control your emotions

What are the symptoms of ADHD In Adults?

The symptoms of ADHD in adults are similar to those in children. However, they may present differently because adults have different daily activities than children. An adult with ADHD may experience symptoms that are related to their job or work rather than school. 

ADHD can be divided into three types, which are based on the symptoms a person experiences. These are inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and a combination of both. Your healthcare provider will determine which subtype you have based on your symptoms. They will also assess the severity of your ADHD using a scale that ranges from mild to severe. 

Mild, means they meet the criteria for the disorder. However, their symptoms are not severe and do not go beyond the minimum requirements for diagnosis.

Moderately, they experience symptoms that are noticeable enough to cause disruptions in their work or social interactions. This level of ADHD may have a noticeable impact on their daily lives.

Severe, means the symptoms seriously affect the person’s ability to function at work and socially. The impact on their daily lives can be significant. 

Inattentive Type Symptoms

Inattentive-type ADHD symptoms can disrupt work schoolwork and social relationships. The inattention subtype of ADHD requires meeting six or more specific criteria. This criterion must be met consistently for at least six months.

  • Inattention may cause errors to occur frequently.
  • You may find it difficult to stay focused and remain on-task.
  • It is easy to start projects but faced with challenges to finish them.
  • In conversations, zoning out can create the impression of disinterest or a lack of attention to others.
  • Dislike and avoid tedious work, such as chores and paperwork.
  • It’s hard to organize and prioritize tasks, especially if they have many steps.
  • It is common to lose, misplace, or forget things frequently.
  • It is common to get easily distracted by external events or your thoughts.
  • You commonly forget appointments, bill payments, and other daily tasks due to absentmindedness.

Hyperactive/impulsive-type symptoms

  • You fidget frequently.
  • You have the urge to stand up and walk around often.
  • Feel Restlessness 
  • Being unusually active is typical for you, and others struggle to keep up.
  • You tend to talk excessively, sometimes going on and on about a subject you enjoy
  • You interrupt people frequently or finish their sentences
  • You may not fully grasp social boundaries, and your actions may seem impolite to others. 

Related conditions in adults with ADHD

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. In addition to ADHD, adults may also have the following:

Personality disorders are conditions in which a person thinks, perceives, feels, or interacts differently from others.

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder where your mood can go from one extreme to the other.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), is a condition that produces obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior.

Causes and Risk Factors of ADHD In Adults

As with most mental health disorders, biological, social, and psychological factors are the causes of ADHD. 

Genetics: ADHD runs in families, suggesting genetics may contribute to its development. In fact, about 70–80 of the chance of having ADHD is thought to come from your genes. Certain genes that regulate neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine may contribute to ADHD development. These genes impact the development and function of brain areas involved in attention and executive function. 

Structure of the brain: ADHD is linked to differences in the prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum.

Environmental factors: During pregnancy or early childhood, these conditions may increase the risk of developing ADHD. ADHD is one of the possible outcomes of exposure to toxins like alcohol or tobacco. Results-

  • Having a baby too soon
  • Having a baby with a low birth weight
  • Being stressed out while pregnant

Developmental factors: Reduced growth in certain brain regions, such as the prefrontal cortex, may be associated with ADHD. Trauma or neglect during childhood may increase the chances of children exhibiting ADHD symptoms. 

Comorbid conditions: ADHD often happens with other mental health problems, like anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. Studies have found that treating ADHD can also improve the symptoms of these comorbid conditions

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults

Adults with ADHD may experience difficulties with self-esteem, work performance, and relationships. Adults with ADHD may be oblivious to their condition and experience challenges in completing everyday tasks. The symptoms can change as time goes on. Some people find that their symptoms get better as they get older, but others still have trouble.

The executive functions, a set of mental abilities, are responsible for the emergence of ADHD symptoms. The executive functions involve various processes in the brain’s frontal areas. It regulates essential activities for achieving goals, creative/routine work, and behavior by evaluating potential consequences (executive functions).

ADHD Treatment

Treatment of ADHD In Adult

A mix of stimulants, non-stimulant drugs, and behavioral therapy can treat ADHD. According to the CDC, 62 of ADHD adults receive medication, and 37 undergo behavioral therapy. 

Stimulants and non-stimulants medications:

Stimulant drugs like Ritalin and Adderall work by elevating levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. This helps, them pay more attention and be less hyperactive and impulsive. Doctors consider these medications safe and effective. 

Atomoxetine (Strattera) and guanfacine (Intuniv) treat ADHD without using stimulants. These drugs target brain neurotransmitters and may be an option for stimulant-sensitive people.

Behavioral therapies:  

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): It identifies negative patterns and behaviors contributing to symptoms and replaces them with positive ones. CBT may also involve teaching people how to deal with stress better, solve problems, and make decisions.  

Social Skills Training: This therapy teaches how to start and maintain conversations, read social cues, and create friends.

Mindfulness: Treatments can help ADHDers manage their emotions and stress. This can include practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga.


ADHD affects attention and behavior control. It’s caused by biological, social, and psychological factors, including genetics.ADHD in adults can be inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or both. From mild to severe, severity can affect daily life. ADHD can happen at the same time as other mental health problems. Only a medical professional can diagnose ADHD. Treatment options include medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

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