Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Anxiety

cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety

This article will explain cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety as well as a few CBT for anxiety case examples. Those who suffer from anxiety disorder have a mental illness. The spectrum of anxiety disorders is wide. In case of anxiety, you will fear everything, and you may respond with fear. You may sweat, and your heart beats faster than normal due to anxiety. Anxiety is natural before big events like job interviews or major life choices. Anxiety is sometimes good for us as it helps us to stay cautious and focus our attention. We stay safe due to anxiety. You feel nervous and have a fear of something that happens from time to time is nothing but an anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of an anxiety disorder include:

  • Are not able to function 
  • You overreact 
  • You can’t control your response to the situation 

This disorder may make your day full of difficulties, but there are various treatments available that can help reduce your anxiety. Anxiety can be treated using a number of different methods, one of which is cognitive behavioral therapy. There are other treatments available such as antidepressants or medicines that reduce anxiety disorder.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

It’s a talk therapy that aims to alter one’s outlook and way of life in order to improve problem management. A mental health counselor guides your sessions in a methodical fashion. You will become aware of negative thinking when facing challenging conditions and responding effectively. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps treat depression, PTSD, or eating disorders. You can learn how to handle stressful situations by using cognitive behavioral therapy.

Your doctor will help you treat a wide range of problems with the help of CBT, and the doctors that recommend you to buy a modavinil tablet online. Few sessions are required to treat any problem. CBT helps treat emotional and mental problems.

Emotional problems that can be treated using CBT are as follows:

  • Take care of mental disease symptoms
  • Avoid a recurrence of mental health issues
  • Overcome trauma
  • Resolves relationship problems
  • Identify ways to manage emotions

CBT is effective in treating a wide range of mental health issues, including but not limited to the following:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorder
  • PTSD
  • Sleep disorder 
  • Phobia

Cognitive behavior therapy is more effective when combined with antidepressants or other medicines.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Your existence includes dealing with anxiety. Every human faces anxiety several times at some point in their life. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety is an effective treatment that teaches people to recognize and cope with their anxiety. With the help of CBT, people work with trained therapists to find and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that add to their anxiety. CBT also involves teaching practical coping skills to manage anxious feelings and reactions. Exercises in deep breathing, progressive muscular relaxation, and mindfulness are all effective methods for dealing with anxiety.

CBT helps you get over your phobias. CBT fosters lasting change by addressing the root causes of anxiety. This allows people to lead anxiety-free life. You should take help from a licensed mental health professional with CBT experience for better results.

Case Study on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Case Study-1 (cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety)

George, a 23-year-old Greek student, sought help at a University Counselling Centre in Athens after being sent there by a psychiatrist. He was identified as suffering from social anxiety disorder and situational-specific phobia. He was experiencing extreme anxiety and panic episodes, he said. These symptoms were exacerbated by particular social circumstances and by flying, driving, or going to a high elevation. Because of his symptoms, he avoided social events to the point where it negatively impacted his day-to-day existence.

Twenty sessions of cognitive behavioral treatment were prescribed to George after he was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and a specific phobia of the situational kind (acrophobia). After receiving treatment for his social phobia and monitoring his progress one month later, George no longer displayed the symptoms that led to his developing acrophobia. He progressed in various areas, such as driving a car in and around Athens and going up in high-rise buildings.

Case Study 2 (cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety)

Jill, a veteran of the Afghanistan war at the time, was 32 years old and had been suffering from PTSD for more than five years. She was driving a military supply truck when she saw several of her fellow servicemen and women killed by an IED. Jill’s depression and PTSD worsened over time, and she started drinking daily as a coping mechanism. She had trouble keeping a job and missed a lot of time, and she felt distant and numb around her family.

Jill suffered from various PTSD symptoms, including a reoccurring nightmare in which she was the convoy leader and her lead truck broke down. While she and her fellow service members on the first truck worked hard to fix it, she waved the second truck forward, the truck that hit the IED.

As a reflection of the traumatic experience, her nightmare showed her and the other service members on the first truck waving and smiling at the service members on the second truck, who laughed at the broken truck and their attempts to fix it, saying things like, “Look at that piece of junk truck — good luck getting that clunker fixed.” Jill underwent 10 sessions of cognitive therapy for PTSD after thoroughly evaluating her PTSD and associated symptoms, psychoeducation regarding PTSD symptoms, and a rationale for employing trauma-focused cognitive therapies.

At first, she was given cognitive worksheets to help her keep track of her experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Jill was made more aware of her thoughts and judgments about the explosion by completing these worksheets.


From the above article, we conclude that cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorder is a part of life, and everyone experiences it at some point. Cognitive behavior therapy is a talk therapy through which doctor helps to reduce anxiety issues. There are antidepressants and other medicines that can help reduce anxiety, but CBT is the best therapy. 

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