Information On Ketamine For Anxiety

ketamine for anxiety

In this article, we will discuss ketamine for anxiety in detail. Do you get panic in stressful situations? For instance, nowadays, people suffer from anxiety as they have to look after their families. People feel stressed in this modern world where everyone is speedy.

Anxiety is expected in today’s world and is a part of life. Feelings of anxiety can be dangerous and can stay longer in your life. However, to deal with anxiety, experts believe it might be effective in the treatment of anxiety. Let’s look into this subject to understand how it works for anxiety.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine for anxiety is an anesthetic that can make you unconscious. Several doctors use it to induce loss of consciousness in patients. Experts believe it’s a Schedule III non-narcotic substance on the restricted substances act report. It was developed in the year 1950, and it was started used as a general anesthetic in the year 1960 to reduce pain and induce sleep.

Researchers and experts began searching for the benefit of it for treating mental conditions. Mental health problems such as depression, PTSD, and others are treated with it. Anxiety can be treated with a number of different medications. The people who undergo treatment for generalized anxiety disorder remain untreated with these medicines.

People with anxiety don’t experience any change after using these medicines. Therefore, several researchers think it is effective in the treatment of anxiety where other drugs do not work. FDA approves a form of it to use for depression and not anxiety. Some doctors do use it off-label to treat anxiety, though. This therapy to treat anxiety is called ketamine therapy for anxiety. We will have a closer look into ketamine therapy for anxiety.

What is Ketamine for anxiety?

ketamine for anxiety is an off-label use. It is helpful in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression and PTSD, and OCD. Depression and anxiety share some hallmarks in their respective brain networks. Therefore researchers think that it might also treat refractory anxiety disorders.

Effectiveness and safety were assessed in a pilot study including 12 patients with social anxiety disorders. The patients were not depressed. The patients were treated with one dose of it at weekly intervals. The doses were in ascending order and which is administered subcutaneously.

The doses were 0.25 mg/kg, 0.5 mg/kg, and 1 mg/kg. When a patient is issued an amount, it shows its effect within one hour. The patient reported reduced anxiety that lasts for seven days. After that, a dose-response profile was generated, which displayed the anti-anxiety effects, as well as the variations in BP and HR.

These changes are experienced at a low dose, 0.25 mg/kg, and slowly increase as we increase the amount. There were 10 out of 12 patients responded to its dose range of 0.5-1 mg/kg. Ketamine therapy for anxiety was well tolerated in these 12 patients. As a result, it may have the potential to treat social anxiety disorder.

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Side effects of Ketamine for anxiety?

In ketamine therapy, the dose is very low; therefore, the side effects are mild. People with the following conditions are advised against using it:

  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • Schizophrenia
  • Unmanaged high blood pressure
  • History of substance use disorder
  • History of psychosis
  • Heart disease

There are some of the side effects that can happen to you:

  • Feel the urge to vomit
  • Spew up
  • Light-headedness
  • Dissociation
  • Sleepiness
  • High blood pressure
  • Blur vision
  • It feels like time is slow or fast

Above side effects are experienced by a person when a high dose of it is administered. Do not drive or work with machines after the treatment, or it will be hazardous. It can also increase anxiety. Therefore, you should work with your doctor. Your doctor will supervise your symptoms and support you to deal with adverse side effects.

How fast does ketamine work for anxiety?

It increases the activity of glutamate in the brain, which is how it works. Glutamate is a brain chemical messenger. Glutamate plays an essential role in regulating mood, memory, and learning. Neuroplasticity is another area where glutamate excels. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s receptivity to learning and change. As per researchers, as you increase neuroplasticity, it will help rewire your brain. It will remove harmful thought patterns and allow you to form new pathways. These new pathways will create positive thoughts, reducing your anxiety symptoms.


The aforementioned article concludes that ketamine therapy is effective for treating anxiety. Ketamine for anxiety is used when other medicines do not work. For anxiety, it can be given in a variety of doses. It works well with people having OCD, PTSD, and treatment-resistant depression.

It has also been demonstrated through research to be effective in reducing anxiety. It was found to have side effects if you take a high dose of it. Whenever you want to take it, please take it under the guidance of a doctor. 

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