Help those that struggle with depression

Helping those struggling with depression

Depression is something that comes your way at different times of your life. 
There are times when you don’t even realize when you have gone into depression. It takes lots of effort to take someone totally out of this miserable condition. 

People have a lot of wrong ideas about depression, even though there is more knowledge about mental health conditions and new ways to understand the situation and symptoms at an early stage. 

Depression!! It is merely considered an excuse for the victim’s mentality or overthinking. Even a person’s negative attitude can sometimes be classified as depression. 

There are some people who usually settle down to ask people to be happy and advise them to cheer themselves up… Damn No!! There you are doing the biggest mistake though……..

You should understand the importance of showing empathy to those going through something similar. It’s not like someone has a fever and then recovers in two or three days. No! I  wish it was this simple… 
Surely you’ve heard someone saying, “I’m depressed!” Even if they miss out on their favorite ice cream or their dream vacation is delayed by only one day, they will still be depressed. 

If you are aware of someone who is going through all this then you have come to the right platform. You can choose some tips from here from this article that might help you. 

How can you motivate someone who is suffering from depression if you are not trained to do so?
First of all, you need to stop labeling and branding them as negative people as if they are very much different from others. 

People suffering from depression frequently have difficulty recognizing positive emotions. Due to this, they may perceive negative circumstances that a healthy person would view as neutral or even positive.

Frequently, family members and acquaintances are dissatisfied when a depressed person does not exhibit the same enthusiasm or joy for the things that make them happy.

They also mark them as spoilsports, pessimists, buzz-killers, and other similar terms. These actions may be entertaining and endearing to a healthy person, but if you know that your friend or child is depressed, they will only worsen their symptoms. 

What can you do instead?

When a person is undergoing depression, he or she will always want someone where they can rely on upto for their feelings. They will always want someone who can listen to their problems or their feelings without the fear of being judged. 

You can go to the person, sit and calmly have a peaceful conversation with your loved one and ask them about how they are feeling. And if they are feeling miserable, ask them to pour it out to you so that their heart is lightened.  Make them comfortable and inform them that it is completely ok for whatever they are feeling. You can validate their feelings and don’t just directly tell them that they cannot fall into all this or they are not allowed to feel so. Ask them with a sign of good companionship if there is something that you could offer them as support or help. 

  • Never ignore their pleas for any kind of help and support 

People who are suffering from depression will never open up to you and speak their hearts out. In addition to this they might seek help- through indirect actions but not ask directly to you. 

It is highly your responsibility to pay close attention to what they speak. The moment you feel that what they are speaking is going towards the negative way….. Just stop and listen!!! That’s all you can do in that particular situation. 

Your relationship with them will strengthen and they will feel more empowered if you listen to their sentiments, validate them, and assure them that with the right medical care and support, they can better their situation.

If they are shy, try nudging them toward writing or other hobbies that make them happy as an alternative to talking.

  • Seeking help without any grudge for their improvement

There are many people out there who have children or any spouse who are suffering from depression but they cannot extend their support towards them.

The whole reason could be because they feel that depression could be the cause of anyone even without striking the surface of unhappiness in one’s life. Some people’s perception is like depression is just a sign of weakness or a person hunting for attention. If your thinking is this, then you should broaden your thinking and understand that depression is real.  

Look for different options or a trick that you can use to get someone out of depression :

There are many options to treat depression. If one does not help your loved one, then there are lot many other options too. 

If you discover that your child, friend, or spouse would feel more at ease with another counselor, you can also consider switching counselors.

There are counseling sessions, group talks, talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and drugs like Modalert and Waklert that are used to treat depression. There are also counseling sessions and group discussions.

Even on various social media platforms, there is a growing awareness of depression and support groups for those who are suffering from it.  

Helping someone with depression is indeed a tough challenge. If you come across someone who has depression, you are bound to be lost and wonder about how you can help them.  Learning how to understand their situation and getting them the necessary resources is how you can support them.

Symptoms of depression

Depression symptoms vary from person to person. They can include: 

  • Sadness, weeping, a sense of desolation, or hopelessness.
  • Even minor issues, angry outbursts, irritability, or exasperation are observed.
  • Loss of interest or enjoyment in most or all normal activities, including intercourse, hobbies, and sports.
  • Too little or too much sleep.
  • Due to fatigue and lack of energy, even simple duties require additional effort.
  • Alternating between decreased appetite and weight loss and increased appetite and weight gain.
  • Unexplainable physical issues, such as back pain and migraines.
  • Anxiety, agitation, and/or anxiety.
  • Thinking, speaking, and physical activity are slowed.
  • Feelings of worthlessness or remorse, dwelling on past failures, or taking responsibility for things that are not your fault.
  • Problems with reasoning, focusing, making decisions, and remembering.
  • Frequent or repeated references to not wanting to live, suicidal ideation, suicidal behavior, or suicide.

Many of the victims feel that they will overcome depression on their own. But it is seriously not easy.

You can advise them to get in touch with their doctor about buying the medication Modactive 200 Mg to make them come out of their fear.

There are such victims who just want an escape and don’t need any of your suggestions or advice.

There might be cases where your loved one wants to stay isolated and does not need any help from their loved ones.

  • Respect their decision: Do not force them to seek your help or follow your advice but do let them know that they are there if ever they change their mind. 
  • Avoid enabling by maintaining healthy boundaries: Enabling occurs when you reward someone’s behavior, frequently without them even being aware of it. For instance, you might cover for a loved one when they miss work. The negative effects of the person’s conduct are removed by enabling. Be cautious not to try to save a loved one when their depression affects several aspects of their life. 
  • Suggest family therapy: Your family must not be knowing about how to get you out of this miserable condition. Often family dynamics are majorly responsible for depression, so getting help as a family would really be helpful.
  • Seek support groups or counseling for yourself: Seeing someone you care about deal with depression can be stressful, so you may also want to get help. NAMI helps family members and caregivers of people with mental illness by giving them information and tools.

The Bottom Line

The best method to help a friend or loved one who is depressed is to talk to them about it calmly and sympathetically. It’s possible that pressuring or coercing someone into seeking assistance would only make them more resistant to it. Instead, talk about your worries, show that you care by listening, and ask what you can do to help.

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