Managing Mood swings while suffering from ADHD

Channeling your highs and lows is a part of life. Everyone here occasionally experiences negative emotions like anger, sadness, guilt, frustration, and impatience. We often experience myriad emotions throughout our day, and even small triggers can affect us immensely. In layperson’s terms, we often experience mood swings throughout our lives. Nowadays, many people stereotypically target women and associate mood swings with their menstruation. However, all of them experience mood swings to some degree.

Simply put, this term indicates rapid and intense fluctuations in emotions. You can also call it a mood rollercoaster since the emotions go haywire in a fraction. It may start with happiness and contentment, move to anger and frustration and rise to guilt. They are emotional territory, like I said, and are usually harmless. But sometimes, they might indicate some mental illness. Even though mood swings are common in a healthy person, they may be a matter of concern in mental health illnesses like ADHD. This article will try to decode how to manage mood swings while suffering from ADHD. 

What are mood swings in ADHD? 

Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently need to learn to manage the extreme mood swings that are a hallmark of the condition. Your feelings could swing wildly, from elation to despair. Fortunately, there are methods that can be used to manage mood swings. Nearly nine percent of kids and three percent of grownups are diagnosed with ADHD every year.  Mood swings can make you feel helpless and disheartened if they interfere with your work, family, or friendships. Obviously, you can’t go through life like this. 

Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are the hallmarks of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Mood swings are a common symptom of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and a recent study suggests they can cause significant impairment, making it difficult for the individual to function. This may affect your lifestyle, workplace, and social relationships. It may be time to see a psychiatrist if your mood swings are becoming increasingly disruptive to your daily life. There are many activities you can engage in during your free time that will help you control your hysteria.

You can communicate with your doctor and learn the advantages of purchasing Modafinil and Armodafinil Tablets.

What are the causes of these mood swings?

This question is right; the answer may lead you to your cure. Moreover, people with ADHD often lack focus, which makes them laugh hysterically and absurdly. These erratic behaviors frustrate them enough. You may feel like you are in a vicious cycle. Mood swings are one of the primary symptoms of ADHD, and at the same time, because of ADHD Symptoms, you may feel exhausted and frustrated. For some, it may seem like an endless cycle. The more you go deeper, the more you feel stuck in it. 

Mood Swings

These mood swings can occur in various scenarios or under specific conditions. Distraction, additional disorders, or a medication’s side effects may cause these mood swings. Let’s dive deep into it, shall we? 

Distraction or losing focus

Difficulties concentrating on tasks, the workplace, and studies can be tiresome and frustrating. Especially if it happens so frequently in ADHD peers, you will see a sudden drop in your productivity, over which you may feel like you have no control. 

It can be tough to coordinate their peak energy and focus times when they need to get things done, even if they’re taking medication. As time passes, it can lead to a feeling of persistent failure and self-sabotage. 

Mood disorders

People with ADHD are at a higher risk of developing mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder than the general population. Mood swings may be a symptom of certain illnesses.

Due to the overlap in symptoms between ADHD and several other mental health disorders, a thorough assessment is warranted to rule out the possibility of a more severe diagnosis.

Feeling different 

Unable to complete even the most basic tasks the way that non-ADHD peers do may induce a sense of inferiority complex and the feeling of being more unusual and abnormal than others. Children frequently experience this due to others calling them out and bullying them. 

Heightened emotions

Due to this medical condition, you may feel things deeply. For someone with ADHD, even seemingly insignificant issues at school, job, or home might feel insurmountable. However, your impulsivity may cause you to lose your temper easily. When the initial surge of emotion subsides, you may look back on this with shame and regret. 

ADHD Medication 

The medicine for ADHD can help treat cognitive impairment. The emotional toll, however, remains unchanged. As their effects wear off in the late afternoon or evening, they might also exacerbate irritability. A medical rebound occurs when the effects of stimulant drugs wear off too rapidly. Symptoms can flare back again.   

How do I manage ADHD mood swings?

You can gain the skills to ride through the emotional ups and downs that ADHD can amplify. Ways to handle the emotional swings that come along with ADHD: 

Allow venting 

Feelings are important to deal with. Neglected emotions can lead to emotional turmoil and burnout. Therefore, it’s crucial to express your true feelings. Thus, commit to taking time every week (or daily) to relax and unwind. Everyone has their own methods for accomplishing this, so you should try out various approaches until you find what works best for you. 

You can practice various activities like 

  • Fitness class
  • Journaling
  • Punching bag or pillow
  • Blast loud music
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Talk to a friend or a therapist 
  • Pursue your hobby 
  • Try spas and massages

Venting can make you feel relaxed and fresh. It ultimately serves its purpose. 

Give yourself a break 

Constant hectic work schedules and no break will burn you out. Treat yourself to a well-deserved break. It is essential to break the routine and rejuvenate to start again afresh. May it be a week-long vacation or as small as a 10 minutes walk during work. You deserve to let the tension go and get back with zeal. 

Take care to maintain your physical health.

Different people have various strategies for handling their feelings. Hitting the gym four times a week may be a way for you. It is always refreshing after a good stretch and 30 minutes of cardio. You feel energized even though you are drenched with sweat, and your legs are burning. 

Try Cognitive behavioral therapy  (CBT)

This is more of a psychiatric intervention to help you reframe your inner monologue to be more compassionate. Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in treating ADHD symptoms, including mood swings (CBT).  CBT is more effective than medication alone in reducing ADHD symptoms in adolescents. 

Plan your diet efficiently

It’s common knowledge that what you eat can have a significant impact on how you feel emotionally. Diet and exercise are supposed to be followed to prevent almost all chronic diseases. You should know how much-processed food to consume as it can increase sugar levels and disturb your mood. Maintaining steady blood sugar and mood can be accomplished by eating a diet high in fiber and composed primarily of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

Rest well tonight

Set your mood by getting enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep may increase the chances of depression and anxiety. People underestimate sleep a lot. So it is essential to set your sleep routine and be consistent. Try putting down the screen an hour before you plan to go to sleep. Electronic device blue light throws off the body’s natural clock, making it challenging to fall or stay asleep. 

Compliment others 

People living with ADHD often go under self-sabotage and criticism. You can disrupt the pattern by focusing on the people close to you.

It takes time and effort to develop the skill of paying attention to other people and trying to understand how they feel. Keeping your attention on the good in other people is a great way to divert it from your emotions and strengthen your bonds with them.

Use humor 

Laughter, as they say, is the best medicine. Make good use of it. Laughing about your ADHD may lighten your mood and make it sound less serious than it is. If you can carefully point out your faults, you won’t believe how empathetic the audience can be.  

Try supplements 

Certain nutrients help to manage ADHD mood swings. They include: 

  • Magnesium 
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Omega-3-fatty acids
  • Grape seed extract 
  • Lemon seed extract 

You can use it at your convenience and try a combination of supplements after thorough consideration with your doctor. 

ADHD Medications 

Taking these pills can help reduce the severity of the symptoms and alleviate the situation. Medication and therapy are effective ways to treat it. However, the two together produce the best results. 

Although these medications will not eliminate the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), they may help a person improve their ability to concentrate, control their emotions, acquire new knowledge, and improve their quality of life.


The part of the brain that regulates focus and actions is stimulated as a result. The medication is available in both immediate-release (taken three to four times daily in smaller doses) and extended-release forms (taken once daily in the morning, with the dose released throughout the day). 


Certain regions of the brain are stimulated, resulting in greater focus, less distraction, and less impulsive action.  Instead of methylphenidate, adults may be given lisdexamfetamine as their first choice drug. The pill form of lisdexamfetamine is taken once a day.


It is similar to lisdexamfetamine. Most of the time, dexamfetamine is taken as a pill 2–4 times a day but can also be taken as a liquid.


It is a selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, which increases noradrenaline uptake. It passes chemical messages in the brain and aids in increasing concentration, and helps control impulses. Atomoxetine is available in capsule form and used once or twice daily.


It helps with focus and lowers stress levels. Adults with ADHD should not be prescribed guanfacine. Common dosing times for guanfacine include the morning and the evening. 

Therapy is also useful to combat mood swings and structure your thoughts. Therapies include: 

  • Psychoeducation 
  • Behavior therapy
  • Parent training and education programs
  • Social skills training

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