Top 9 healthy sleep hygiene habits 

Do you ever find yourself just staring at the ceiling for no good reason? Or do you see find that you have that gut feeling that it’s time to wake up and then you realize that it’s just 2 am in the morning? 

If you are in desperate need to sleep, it may be the time to consider that you have to follow sleep hygiene – and how your habits may actually prevent you from the quality sleep you require. 

Let’s discuss what sleep hygiene is and how adjusting your daytime and nighttime routines might help you obtain a better night’s rest.

First of all, let’s dive into the fact and know about what is sleep hygiene!! What is it? Why it matters? And how to revamp your habits to get better nightly sleep.!!

Healthy sleep patterns are referred to as sleep hygiene. Because obtaining a good night’s sleep is so critical to your entire quality of life, mental and physical health, and both, excellent sleep hygiene is crucial.

Your actions throughout the day, not just before bed, can have an impact on how well you sleep. Your capacity to sleep is influenced by a variety of factors, including your schedule, night time routine, food and beverage preferences, and numerous other activities. 

Healthy sleep patterns are referred to as sleep hygiene. Because obtaining a good night’s sleep is so critical to your entire quality of life, mental and physical health, and both, excellent sleep hygiene is crucial.

Your actions throughout the day, not just before bed, can have an impact on how well you sleep. Your capacity to sleep is influenced by a variety of factors, including your schedule, nighttime routine, food and beverage preferences, and numerous other activities.

Why is sleep hygiene so important?

Healthy sleep is crucial for both physical and mental well-being, enhancing performance and general quality of life. Better sleep can be beneficial for everyone, from young children to elderly people, and good sleep hygiene can play a significant role in attaining that aim.

According to research, developing healthy behaviors is essential to staying healthy. 

Healthy behaviors become virtually natural after building lasting and beneficial routines, resulting in a continuous cycle. On the other hand, undesirable behaviors can stick around even when they have unfavorable effects

sleep hygiene

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the country’s medical research organization that makes significant discoveries that advance healthcare and save lives to make our habits work in our favor over the long term. It can be really beneficial to create a setting and a habit that support our aims. 

The phrase sleep hygiene refers to good sleeping practices or activities that can help you fall asleep more easily and stay asleep all night long.1 The amount and quality of sleep you get each night are impacted by developing and maintaining excellent sleep hygiene during the day. It’s important for both your physical and emotional wellness.

Adaptive sleeping practices that could enhance your sleep hygiene include:

  • following a nocturnal schedule that leaves time for leisurely pursuits
  • going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time every day
  • establishing a comfortable sleeping environment with low lighting and the optimum heat setting
  • turning off all electronics at least one hour before going to bed
  • limiting caffeine consumption several hours before going to bed
  • Getting enough exercise earlier on in the day
  • lowering the stress level
  • avoiding heavy and  high-fat meals right before bed

Environment and behavior are both factors in sleep hygiene, which can lead to improved sleep and better overall health. 

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If you have trouble sleeping, there are various things you may do to make things better during the day and before bed.

The goal of sleep hygiene is to develop a variety of healthy behaviors that will aid in getting a good night’s sleep.

Let’s look more closely at 10 strategies for bettering your sleep hygiene. 

Keep a consistent sleep schedule 

Make a proper schedule of how and when you sleep. Try to always sleep and wake up at the same time even during weekends. If you keep the same pattern then your body will nicely get adjusted to it.  This pattern reinforces the internal clock of your body which makes your body sleep and wake up at the same time each day. 

Sticking to a continuous consistent and consistent schedule may also help you to reduce daytime sleepiness.

Make sure that the bedtime you pick allows you to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. 

Create a relaxing bedtime schedule and stick with it. 

You can better prepare for sleep by engaging in a soothing habit right before bed. And if you stick to the same routine every night, your body will learn to associate that rhythm with sleep. It’s possible that this will help you sleep faster.

Start your regimen between 30 and 60 minutes before bedtime for the best results.

Whatever helps you unwind the most is fine, as long as it doesn’t involve anything that gives off blue light. A few suggestions:

Take a relaxing hot shower or bath. The water soothes you at the moment, and the subsequent dip in body temperature might induce sleepiness.

If you’re feeling tense in your muscles, try some little stretching.

Take a few minutes to meditate and see if it doesn’t help you relax.

Take some deep breaths while listening to some relaxing music.

Spend some time reading a book, but avoid using electronic readers if you can. 

Turn off electronic devices before you go to sleep 

Blue light from electronic gadgets like your phone can cause your body to produce less of the sleep hormone melatonin.

The sleep/wake hormone melatonin regulates circadian rhythms. If your melatonin levels are low, getting to sleep may be more challenging.

Blue-light emitting devices can also serve as a diversion, helping to maintain mental alertness. Possible negative impact on sleep quality.

Even if you don’t intentionally check your phone in the hours before bed, just having it in the room can cause sleep disruptions.

In the middle of the night, you can be startled awake by an SMS notification, a buzz, or a light that abruptly turns on.

Exercise regularly 

The health benefits of regular aerobic exercise, even only 30 minutes a day, include better sleep. Exercising in natural light has been shown to improve sleep quality, so doing so outside may have even greater benefits.  

Limit your caffeine intake 

Caffeine consumption can have an effect for up to 7 hours after ingestion. If you drink coffee in the afternoon, you may find that you stay up and alert for far longer than you had planned.

Although it is recommended that you consume caffeine only in the morning, your tolerance to caffeine may vary.

Some people can keep drinking till the afternoon, while others must stop much earlier if they want to get a good night’s sleep.

If you limit your caffeine intake, you may become more sensitive to its effects. 

Make your sleep environment work  for you

A cool, dark, quiet room may help you fall asleep and stay asleep more easily.

For most people, a bedroom temperature between 60°F and 67°F (15.6°C and 19.4°C) is the optimal temperature for sleeping.

It’s also important to make sure you have a comfortable mattress, pillows, and bed linens. The more comfortable you are, the easier it may be to fall asleep and stay asleep. Want suggestions? Browse our market, filled with editor-trusted and expert-verified pillow and mattress recommendations.

If you’re a light sleeper or have noisy neighbors, a good pair of earplugs may help you sleep without being disrupted.

Also, if your bedroom gets flooded with too much light, you may want to consider using blackout curtains or an eye mask to keep your sleep environment as dark as possible. 

Use your bed only for sleep and sex 

When you have a comfy bed, you might want to use it to read, work, talk on the phone, watch TV, or do other things.

But you should only use your bed to sleep and have sex. This helps your brain connect your bed with sleep, making it easier for you to go to sleep.

Reading might help you wind down before bed, but if it keeps your brain active, it could keep you from falling asleep. Instead, try reading on the couch before you go to bed. 

Go to bed only when you are tired

If you are not tired then avoid always sticking to the bed while you toss and run. Instead, try to do a relaxing activity until you start to feel tired from head to toe, and then start heading towards the bed. 

Limit napping or avoid It if you can

Napping during the day will make it more difficult and harder to fall asleep and may make you more prone to stay awake during the night. 

If you do need to nap:

  • Keep it to 30 minutes or less.
  • Avoiding napping later in the afternoon.

Napping may affect the sleep pattern of older adults more than younger people, but the extent of this is still unclear. 

Manage stress before 

Thinking about things you’re worried about can keep you awake at night. To help prevent your worries from keeping you awake:

Write down your worries before going to bed to help get them out of your head.

If your to-do list stresses you out, write that down as well. Prioritize what you need to do tomorrow and the rest of the week, then try to relax.

Research suggests that a weighted blanket may help with anxiety and insomnia, and it may provide benefits similar to deep pressure therapy.

Try meditation before bed to help calm your mind.

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