Smart Pills Which Grow Power Of The Brain

Smart Medicines Which Increase The Power Of The Brain

Smart Pills Which Grow Power Of The Brain

What if you got a chance to get smart pills? It will be very easy when you become smart, and every math problem will be at your fingertips. There are some brain boosters that are responsible for curing injuries to the brain. Nootropics are medicines that increase brain power. These can be natural or synthetic, and healthy people can employ any one of them to improve their mental health. Nootropics are popular in society and are mostly used for focus, motivation, intelligence, and memory. 

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  • Caffeine: 

most widely used by people. It is a natural ingredient in coffee, tea, cocoa, soda, energy drinks, and medicines. It is also available as a supplement. Caffeine is responsible for blocking adenosine receptors in the brain. Caffeine intake should be around 40-300 mg, which helps increase attentiveness and alertness. It makes a person less receptive and slower overall as a result of its effects. Caffeine is good for people who are feeling tired. 

  • L-theanine: 

An amino acid that can be discovered in the natural environment in its original, unadulterated form. Moreover, it is attainable in the form of a supplement that can be taken orally. The observation was made at the tea. According to several studies, 200 milligrams (mg) of the amino acid L-theanine is enough to calm. You will not feel drowsy. Two cups of tea have enough L-theanine to equal 50 milligrams of the amino acid.

The creative capacity of the brain is heightened as a result. It causes an increase in the total quantity of alpha waves that are created in the brain, which results in an overall better state of mind. L-theanine has a synergistic impact that is enhanced when paired with caffeine, making it more effective. The fact of the matter is that tea contains both L-theanine and caffeine in varying proportions.

  • Creatine: 

For the process that ultimately results in the creation of proteins, there is a certain kind of amino acid that is necessary. Also, it is offered in the form of a supplement for the development of one’s muscles. Enhancing the functioning of the brain is another benefit of this practice. When creatine enters the body, it combines with phosphate to form a molecule that is then used by the body.

The chemical gives the brain cells the fuel they require so that they can carry out their functions correctly. Stressed people and vegetarians may have better short-term memory and reasoning because brain cells have more energy. Studies have shown that a daily dosage of five grams of creatine is sufficient, with no negative side effects being observed. It is possible to consume a lot, although there have been no studies conducted.

  • Bacopa monnieri: 

It is an ancient plant shown to improve brain function and is utilized in Ayurvedic medicine. According to various studies, A supplement of bacopa monnieri increases the information process, decreases reaction time, and improves memory. Bacosides are active compounds found in bacopa monnieri. Bacosides protect the brain from oxidative stress. It improves the signal in the hippocampus. It does not show the effect immediately. To experience a fast effect, you must take doses of about 300-600 mg for months to get the desired effect. 

  • Rhodiola rosea: 

It is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body to control stress. Supplements of Rhodiola rosea can result in a good mood and decrease feelings of anxiety and stress. Rhodiola rosea can benefit you throughout tests by reducing mental fatigue when you take a little dosage of it. There is a need for research to find the drug’s dose and how it will show its effect.

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  • Panax ginseng: 

Ancient medicinal plants were used to boost brain function. A dose of roughly 200–400 mg of Panax ginseng demonstrates a reduction in mental fatigue and improved math problem-solving ability. It is not sure how Panax ginseng boosts brain function. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory actions, protecting the brain from the effects of oxidative stress and enhancing function. If you use it for a longer time, it will be ineffective. There should be more research required to know the long-term effects.

  • Ginkgo biloba: 

It is a tree whose leaves extract positively affects the brain. Supplements of ginkgo biloba show memory improvement, which is helpful in older adults when taken for six weeks. If you take ginkgo biloba before you are under stress, then it will reduce stress and blood pressure. In addition to this, there is evidence that it can reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

The increased blood flow to the brain is thought to be responsible for the positive effects mentioned above. The results from ginkgo biloba are effective and real; not all studies have shown that. Further studies are needed to determine whether or not ginkgo biloba has any positive effects on the brain.

  • Nicotine: 

It is a natural chemical compound found in plants like tobacco. This chemical compound is responsible for addiction in people. It is used to make cigarettes that people smoke. Various forms of products are made from this chemical compound nicotine. Various products include cigarettes, chewing tobacco, chewing gum, and nicotine transdermal patch.

The people trying very hard to be attentive are taking it to be alert. The people who work the night shifts take it to be awake all night. Motor function is also improved due to nicotine. Writing speed increases if you chew nicotine gum. It is lethal when you take a high dose of nicotine. It is addictive, and therefore it is not suggested.

  • Noopept: 

Noopept is a synthetic smart drug that is used as a supplement. Its effects are seen in minutes and stay for longer periods. Noopept, when administered in animals, shows increased levels of a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is the factor that drives the expansion of new brain cells. When it is used in humans, it shows improvement in brain injuries. There is a need for more studies about noopept to understand how it can be used in healthy adults.

  • Piracetam: 

This is also a synthetic nootropic molecule that looks and behaves like noopept. It shows improvement in the memory of people suffering from age-related mental problems. It is not effective in healthy adults. In 1970, it was suggested that piracetam could show memory improvement, but it was not seen anywhere after. Piracetam’s side effects have never been the focus of any research done on the supplement.

  • Phenotropil: 

It is a synthetic nootropic which is also called phenylpiracetam. It is a nutritional supplement that does not require a doctor’s prescription in order to be purchased. The structure of phenotypic is similar to noopept and piracetam. It is helpful in problems like stroke, epilepsy, and trauma. A study of the drug is done on rats showing a slight increase in memory. There is no evidence to show that persons who are healthy are affected in any way by phenotypic.

  • Modafinil: 

It is a medication that requires a doctor’s prescription and is used to treat a variety of different sleep disorders. The sleep disorders like narcolepsy, SWSD, insomnia, and RLS are being treated. It is a less habit-forming drug. It works as a stimulant like amphetamines. It improves tiredness and makes the memory sharp.

It is used in time management and makes it easy to secure goals. In some countries, it is only available if there is a prescription. It cannot be given as an OTC drug, or there will be misuse. Adults should take a dose of 200 mg of the medication every day. The drug is prescribed only by a doctor and taken under supervision. Some withdrawal symptoms are seen in people who take more doses than recommended.

  • Amphetamine: 

The brand name of amphetamine is Adderall. The usage of this medication is effective in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as narcolepsy. People’s ability to concentrate and pay attention is improved. Dopamine and norepinephrine are made more readily available in the prefrontal cortex as a result of this factor. The prefrontal cortex is an area where attention, memory, and behavior are controlled. According to studies, there is enhanced short-term memory, and people can control their behavior.

The effects of Adderall are about twelve hours which is done based on dose and type of tablet. Using the drug Adderall has the potential to cause a wide range of negative side effects. College students abuse it without a prescription. Side effects such as anxiety and sweating are seen. If a person is taking alcohol and if he uses Adderall, then there are chances of a heart attack. Consumption of it must be done so in accordance with the directions that the attending physician has issued. 

  • Methylphenidate: 

The brand name of methylphenidate is Ritalin. Both narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are treated with it. It is one of the factors that contribute to an increase in the body’s levels of both dopamine and norepinephrine. Enhances working memory and attention in individuals who are otherwise healthy. Cognitive dysfunction is one of the effects of an overdose. Abuse by students 18- 25 years old—side effects such as insomnia, stomach ache, headache, and loss of hunger. Severe side effects include arrhythmia, hypertension, hallucinations, etc. It is a very powerful stimulant and should take as prescribed by the doctor. It is very important to see if there is no abuse done with the drug.

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