We Need To Know 5 Panel Drug Test

5 panel drug test

We Need To Know 5 Panel Drug Test


Are you addicted to drugs and want to stop your addiction? Do you abuse drugs? We have a 5 panel drug test that can check your urine and saliva sample and tell you the amount of drug present in your body. Finding the amount of drugs in your body will prevent industrial accidents, improve productivity, and you will remain less absent at your work.

What is a 5 panel drug test?

Saliva and/or urine samples are taken for analysis in a 5 panel drug test. The collected urine and saliva sample is analyzed to confirm the five control

led substances you abused. The 5 panel drug test is famous in many workplaces. The 5 panel drug test is an affordable, accurate, and easy operation to carry out. 5-panel drug tests can detect drug abuse from the first to the fourteenth day with the help of a urine sample. The drug substance itself, as well as other circumstances, has a role in the detection process. Standardized drug screening procedures include 5-panel drug tests.

We will talk about screening of abused drugs which is the screening category. Most drug abuse screenings employ the NIDA-5 category developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has rebranded NIDA-5 as SAMHSA-5. The five drugs which are abused are compared with a 5-panel drug test that consists of the:

  • Cocaine: 

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant. It is harvested from the leaves of the South American cocoa tree. It comes under Schedule II of controlled drug substances in the USA. It can cause physical and psychological dependence. Cocaine comes in a white powder form, and it is usually mixed with the same other powders, such as baking soda. Cocaine is inhaled or snorted. It is also sometimes injected to produce its effects, such as numbing or wakefulness. It’s also eaten to lessen appetite. Urine testing can reveal cocaine usage for up to three days after the last use.

  • Amphetamines:

These are available in tablet dosage forms. Amphetamine pills are mixed with other white powders. The user crushes the pill/tablet to snort or inhale. Amphetamines are also stimulants and also reduce hunger but less than cocaine. Amphetamines are used by college and school students to study. Amphetamines keep you awake and stay alert and focused for a long time. ADHD is treated with amphetamines. One to three days after using amphetamines, the substance can still be found in one’s urine. Schedule II substances include both amphetamines and meth. Meth makes a strong and violent addiction, and you require more meth to experience the same high.

  • Opiates:

 It is obtained from the opium poppy plant and grown in Southeast Asia. Opium poppies are cultivated in order to extract heroin and morphine. Heroin and morphine are abused in several ways, including smoking, sniffing, and injecting. Opiates can cause serious dependency and addiction. Addiction to opiates is fatal. Two to three days after opiate usage, the drug can still be identified in the user’s urine.

  • Marijuana (THC):

The cannabis plant’s leaves and flowers are harvested for their THC content. It is also known as marijuana. It makes you relax and gives you euphoric effects as you take it orally. It can cause depression, and you may feel demotivated. One use of THC can be detected for three days. If you use THC four times weekly, it stays in your urine for five to seven days. If you use THC daily, it will be detected for up to ten to fifteen days. 

  • Phencyclidine:

It is also called angel dust. It is an animal tranquilizer. Phencyclidine is produced in illegal labs or stolen from vet drug sources. If you use this drug, you may behave very dangerously, which is highly addictive. It can be taken through injection or snorting, or smoking. A small dose of phencyclidine can cause hallucinations, blur vision, aggression, anxiety, and paranoia. If you use phencyclidine, you may become violent, and you may suicide. It is dangerous in the workplace and can cause harm. Phencyclidine can detect in urine for seven to fourteen days after use.

How long does it take for a 5 panel drug test?

The time required depends on various factors that may include:

  • Testing facility efficiency
  • Number of people being tested
  • Type of drug test being conducted

It would take anywhere from fifteen minutes to a few hours to finish the entire operation.

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Here is why the process takes time to complete a 5 panel drug test:

  • Collection of samples:

It only takes approximately 5–10 minutes for each individual. It is a process where a urine sample of each person is collected.

  • Documentation and administrative tasks:

Some paperwork and administrative tasks involve recording the person’s information, consent, and test details. A few minutes are required for this test.

  • Testing process:

In order to analyze the samples, they are first sent to a laboratory. In a lab, testing can take anywhere from a few hours to a whole day. The time needed to finish the process is variable and is based on the testing method and the lab’s current workload.

  • Results:

The findings of the drug test are delivered to the requesting party (company, agency, etc.) when the procedure has been completed. The time changes, but it may take a few days after collecting the sample.

What does a 5 panel drug test for?

Drug test programs are essential to keep the working environment clean and sober. Drug abuse causes problems in a person’s mental health and cognitive behavior. The person who is addicted to drugs is unable to focus on work. The overall result is poor productivity and increased errors in work. Due to this unhealthy environment, other employees’ lives are at risk. In a 5-panel drug test program, a person is responsible for promoting a safe and productive workplace. 

Can a 5 panel drug test detect fake urine?

Usually, it does not detect fake urine directly. Some labs and testing facilities have become aware of drug tests using fake urine. Drug test programs have taken measures to identify and detect such attempts. The testing of fake urine involves various steps to ensure the sample’s integrity and authenticity. The measures may include:

  • Checking the temperature:

The temperature of urine is noted down as soon as they are collected. The average human urine temperature is 32-38 degree Celsius. If the urine sample has a temperature outside the given range, it may have fake urine.

  • Creatinine level:

It is a waste product obtained from the metabolism of muscles. Creatinine may present in a sample of normal human urine and may also contain fake urine. The creatinine in fake urine would be less than in normal human urine or absent.

  • Specific gravity:

Normal human urine has a specific gravity of 1.003–1.030. Specific gravity will tell you that the sample is diluted or adulterated.

  • pH level:

4.5 to 8 is the pH level of ordinary human urine. Your urine sample may be false if its pH is much higher or lower than usual.

  • Color and appearance: 

The urine samples are inspected for any different color, cloudiness, and any different abnormality that indicates that the sample is fake urine.

  • Adulterant tests:

Some drug testing facilities may use any other test to detect any impurities that may be present in urine.


From the above article, we conclude that a 5 panel drug test is the best option to find the amount of drug in the human body. The controlled substances under schedule I and II can be detected quickly and require less time. If you are addicted to drugs and want to test the amount of drugs present, a 5-panel drug test is the best option. There may be the use of fake urine. Please adhere to the regulations established by the testing center.


False-positive results on a 5-panel drug test have been linked to the usage of certain prescription medications. Prescription drugs can cause inaccurate results, so it's essential to let the lab know about them ahead of time.
Probation monitoring and court-ordered drug testing are examples of situations when 5-panel drug tests are employed. They aid in determining whether or not drug-related court orders are being followed, and they keep tabs on anyone who has obligations under the law.
Testing facilities have safeguards to detect efforts to cheat a 5-panel drug test by adulterating or substituting the urine sample. Tests for temperature, creatinine concentration, specific gravity, pH, and visual examinations are all included. Trying to fool a drug test is unethical, and doing so might get you into serious trouble.
A 5-panel drug test may take a few hours to a few days to yield results. On-site or rapid tests can yield results in a matter of minutes. However, depending on the volume at the lab, receiving the results of a lab-based test may take a few days.
A 5-panel drug test's window for detecting a drug's presence varies by drug and person taking the test. Detection methods for drugs often include: Marijuana's (THC) effects can last from a few days to many weeks. Withdrawal from cocaine might linger for several days up to a week. 1-2 days for amphetamines. Opiates: a few days up to a week. A week or more of phencyclidine (PCP) use.

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