Blood pressure drugs harm mind’s function

Blood pressure drugs harm mind’s function


Blood pressure is a very common yet deadly disease. It is prevalent for quite a long time. Once BP has caught you, it doesn’t leave your side for a long, long time. For most of us, medication is a part of our routine when we have to live with high blood pressure. These anti-hypertensive drugs do not treat hypertension. But they can help to bring it under the normal range. In order to keep your blood pressure under control, a variety of individuals need to take more than one medicine.

Finding the right medication and dosage for you is a process that may take time. You would be surprised to know how your brain is wired and how it functions. Earlier it was known that blood pressure creates a huge impact on your brain’s functioning. However, a recent study proposes that blood pressure drugs also have a slight negative impact on your brain. These findings are few hence we cannot generalize. But it is important for us to know the possible impact on our brain. 

What the studies propose and imply 

  • Still unknown is whether or not some blood pressure medicines help the brain in other ways. But this new study “brings us one step closer to a better understanding” of the link between high blood pressure and brain health, as well as the possible effects of medicines. A conventional viewpoint states that blood pressure drugs that cross the blood-brain barrier are more likely to cause depression. However, this depression is also linked to Beta blockers. They can also make you feel tired and listless, which may dampen your mood. 
  • Another study states that high blood pressure speeds up the loss of brain function, and treating high blood pressure slows the rate of this loss. It does not completely stop the interference but it slows the process. 

Since there are so many blood pressure medicines to choose from, there is no reason to put up with side effects like depression, which can be very hard to deal with.  

Brain Structure and Function Relationship 

As we all know, the human brain contains neurons. These cells are part and parcel of all of our lives. But how do these neurons have to be set up for the brain to be able to do all the things it does? Undoubtedly it is one of the most complex structures in our body.

This organ, which weighs three pounds, is where man’s intelligence comes from, where all motor neuron moves to start, and where man’s emotions are stable. The Crown Jewel of the human body is protected by a defensive fluid and is housed in a skeleton. Even though the shape of the human brain is the same as that of other mammalian brains, it is thought to be bigger in relation to the size of the body. 

Structure of the brain 

The brain comprises 3 different parts namely,

  • Cerebrum 
  • Cerebellum 
  • Brain stem 

The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and it is further divided into the left and right hemispheres. The parietal lobe, frontal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe make up the cerebral cortex, the outermost layer of the cerebrum. 

Right brain vs Left brain 

The corpus callosum is a network of nerve fibers that connects the two sides of the brain. Both hemispheres share certain similarities. The right side of the brain controls the left side’s muscles, and vice versa. Right or left-handedness has been linked to the idea that one hemisphere of the brain is subtly more dominant. 

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It is another part and is divided into 4 lobes. 

  • Frontal lobe: Speech, logic, emotions, problem-solving, and movement.
  • Occipital lobe—visual processing
  • Parietal lobe—recognition, movement, direction, perception, speech, and memory.
  • Temporal lobe—memory, speech, and auditory perception and recognition

This brain region coordinates movement, posture, and balance.

Brain stem 

It is responsible for vital functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure. The midbrain, pons, and medulla—also known as the oblongata—make up the brain stem, which controls important body functions including breathing and heart rhythm.

Do’s and Don’ts 

You cannot completely reduce the chances of hypertension as it is a chronic disease. You can only reduce the extent of the disease by practicing some healthy habits. 

Keep your weight in a healthy range: Weight is a key part of preventing high blood pressure. People who are overweight may get high blood pressure. To stay at a healthy weight, it’s best to get rid of extra body fat. Hypertension is less likely to happen if your weight is kept at a healthy level.

Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet: Unhealthy food is one of the main reasons for high blood pressure. You can control your blood pressure well if you eat a portion of healthy, well-balanced food. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies with leaves, especially those that are high in potassium. Don’t eat too many calories, sugar, or fat because they tend to raise the risk of high blood pressure.

Blood Pressure

 Eat less salt: When you eat too much sodium, your blood pressure goes up. Avoid processed and boxed foods with a lot of salt because they have a lot of salt in them. A low-sodium diet allows you to keep your blood pressure normal.

 Work out often: Living a busy life is known to lower the risk of high blood pressure. Make sure you do something physical every day.

 Don’t drink too much booze: Too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure. Limit your drinking to lower your risk of high blood pressure.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure: Check your blood sugar regularly. Most of the time, there are no signs of hypertension. If your arterial pressure is between 120 and 139/80 and 89 millimeters of mercury, it means you are more likely to get high blood pressure (hypertension). If your blood pressure goes up, you need to change how you live and what you eat.

Take care of your stress level: Too much stress and worry is bad for your blood pressure. People who are under a lot of stress are known to have high arterial pressure, which can lead to many other health problems, such as the heart and kidneys not working as they should.


With a good food control plan and some changes to your lifestyle, you can control your high blood pressure or at least cut down on the amount of medicine you need to take and keep a good quality of life.

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